Wednesday 19 October 2016


Ref/NFOESM/7thCPC/111/2016                     20/10/2016
 1 The H’ble Prime Minister (PMOPG/E/2016/0394985)
2) The H’ble Defense Minister
Respected Sirs,
We on behalf of veterans from all over India wish to thank you for implementing OROP even though partially for the time being and hope that the anomalies will be taken care off soon. At the same time we wish to bring to your kind attention regarding the serious grievances of not only veterans but also serving soldiers whom we met recently while they were on leave. 
The soldiers informed us that through social media they came to know; there is a proposal to increase of Military Service Pay to JCOs equal to MNS and ORs will be paid half of the amount only. Their curiosity in sharing the news & disappointment were beyond any expression. They have openly expressed their discontentment towards the attitude of their higher bosses in denying justice to PBOR on two main issues. Hard living area allowance and Military Service Pay DISPARITY which they expressed as INJUSTICE when all are serving for the same country & belongs to the same country. The above two major issues beyond any doubts have psychologically affected the morale of JCOs and ORs.  Denial to all was better than reduction of morale of a large section. It was a British Raj policy to grant few additional coins to bosses to suppress the large section in an establishment. In the course of their selfish motive, our top bosses have forgotten the pledge they have taken “I will look after the interest of all those are placed below me above my own interest”
 Sirs, you have been to their places and seen the conditions of soldiers mainly ORs who are more exposed to risk due to adverse climatic conditions, insurgency, terrorist operations &  enemy fire.  A soldier is doing duty in the open whether it is plus 50 degree or minus 50 degree climate while his boss is controlling from shelter. Our soldiers have proved their efficiency and valor all the times in repulsing the enemy attack on our boarders & engaging the Pak terrorists which your good self also has openly appreciated many times through Media and in public meetings.
But with above mentioned apathy towards the lower Ranks which constitute the large section of the Armed forces, we along with them feel as a great Injustice done not only to the serving soldiers but also to those who have undergone these situations while in service.
 Respected sirs, we wish to openly request to kindly look into this serious matter because the serving soldier cannot raise their voice since they are trained to be disciplined. But do not forget the fact that they also have families to be looked after like their bosses and one can dedicate with full concentration only when he feels that his family is safe in the hands of nation if life is to be sacrificed for defending the nation. The above two major issues have psychologically affected the morale of JCOs and Ors of the Armed forces.
 Hence I request your honor that Military Service Pay and Hard Living area allowance may be paid equal to all the personnel irrespective of Ranks due to the very principle that bullet fired by enemy & adverse climate do not differentiate between men and officers. All are affected equally and not according to the pay they receive.
We do hope that your good office will interfere in this matter and give  Justice to all soldiers including officers, JCO’S & OR’S.
Thanking you.
Yours Faithfully,


  1. Dear MBC Menon sir, A very nice letter written to PM and RM.Pray both respected PM and RM must read this letter and understand the issue with real sense and grant equal MSP and and Hard living area allowances to all without any discrimination.

  2. Dear MBC Menon sir, A very nice letter written to PM and RM.Pray both respected PM and RM must read this letter and understand the issue with real sense and grant equal MSP and and Hard living area allowances to all without any discrimination.
