Friday 26 August 2016


Dear all respected AFVAI Office bearers, Members and seniors,
Hope all of you may be aware of the open allegation by Treasurer(as mentioned still in blog)  Vn. Naib. Subedar Diwan Singh that I have taken in the name of building fund for AFVAI for which he has proof of mail sent by the Donor. Before I put my comments I received a call from Chairman and he asked to be away from chat box and not to put any comments. He advised me to use the AFVAI chat box only to say hello and not for any other things. I accepted his request and I promised him and after that I did not enter the chat box. The members from Tamilnadu asked me so many questions and I have told them not to ask me and ask the Chairman if they want any thing.    
 When the members started raising this issue to be proved, Chairman sir spoken with some members and confirmed that he has received information from the Donor through watsup to his personal number from a Hyderabad member. The donor is from Hyderabad which is coming under Telingana state. I had a brief discussion with Chairman and he also confirmed about this complaint which he received long back. 
This Donor has given Rs.5000/- in the month of November to the Telingana President and informed through chat box as well as watsup. This donation was given in a get together function of AFVAI Telingana and I was not present there.Also I came to know that some veterans have paid membership subscription also that day.  But when I checked the bank statement there was no remittance from Telingana till December 2015. I informed this matter to the Donor and in turn he has complained to the Chairman about this. ( Till March 31st 2016 this amout is not remitted)
I called up the Donor and he said that he has informed through watsup to the Chairman and mentioned about the name of Telingana president and no where my name is not mentioned in the message and he confirmed that the amount was given in my absence only. Again I called up Chairman and had a brief discussion. I told him about the telephonic conversation with the Donor and the Chairman also accepted that no where my name is mentioned by him. When I requested him to put the same in the chat box about all the facts and clear me from this he did not accept. He said until and unless he gets confirmation from the person who has taken the money he can not do any thing. 
I now want to raise the following questions to be answered by the concerned people.
1. Why the GB members were not informed about this matter when the donor has complained in the beginning  since this is a serious allegation?
2. Even after knowing that my name was no where mentioned by the Donor, how could a responsible person who is holding the post of Treasurer can put allegation on this subject?
3. Why the Chairman has not come out openly and disclose the facts to the members when they were questioning about the proof?
4. Why they have sent a mail to the person who has received the amount from the donor after a long gap now.
Please do not say that he is not treasurer because as per the official site even to day he is the treasurer of AFVAI and this incident has happened while he was treasurer only.
Hope I have made my points clear and it is now for you people to decide.
With regards,

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